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what you need to know about Enneagram Personality test

what is Enneagram:

The Enneagram of Personality is a model of human personality that describes nine interconnected types. It is based on the teachings of Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, who were influenced by ancient and modern sources, such as Evagrius Ponticus and George Gurdjieff. The Enneagram uses a geometric figure called an enneagram to show the connections and interactions between the types. Each type has a unique pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving, as well as strengths and weaknesses. The Enneagram of Personality is used for self-awareness, self-development, and spirituality by some people, but it is also criticized by others as pseudoscience and lacking empirical evidence

Wikipedia nine-types table

Type Characteristic role Ego fixation Holy idea Trap Basic fear Basic desire Temptation Vice/Passion Virtue Stress/ Disintegration Security/ Integration
1 Reformer, Perfectionist Resentment Perfection Perfection Corruptness, imbalance, being bad Goodness, integrity, balance Hypocrisy, hypercriticism Anger Serenity 4 7
2 Helper, Giver Flattery Freedom, Will Freedom Being unlovable To feel worthy of love Deny own needs, manipulation Pride Humility 8 4
3 Achiever, Performer Vanity Hope, Law Efficiency Worthlessness To feel valuable Pushing self to always be "the best" Deceit Truthfulness 9 6
4 Individualist, Romantic Melancholy Origin Authenticity Having no identity or significance To be uniquely themselves To overuse imagination in search of self Envy Equanimity (Emotional Balance) 2 1
5 Investigator, Observer Stinginess Omniscience, Transparency Observer Helplessness, incapability, incompetence Mastery, understanding Replacing direct experience with concepts Avarice Detachment 7 8
6 Loyalist, Loyal Skeptic Cowardice Faith Security Being without support or guidance To have support and guidance Indecision, doubt, seeking reassurance Fear Courage 3 9
7 Enthusiast, Epicure Planning Plan, Work, Wisdom Idealism Being unfulfilled, trapped, deprived To be satisfied and content Thinking fulfillment is somewhere else Gluttony Sobriety 1 5
8 Challenger, Protector Vengeance Truth Justice Being controlled, harmed, violated To gain influence and be self-sufficient Thinking they are completely self-sufficient Lust Innocence 5 2
9 Peacemaker, Mediator Indolence Love Seeker Loss, fragmentation, separation Wholeness, peace of mind Avoiding conflicts, avoiding self-assertion Sloth Action 6 3

Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI® version 2.5) is the most accurate enneagram test 

btw the accurate way to predict your Enneagram type is by being read descriptions of each type

what is 1w2 (Enneagram ) ,how this formilla made

The Enneagram is a model of human personality that describes nine different personality types. Each type is denoted by a number, and the combination of numbers indicates the specific type. In the Enneagram system, the numbers are often written with a "w" in between them to indicate the wing type.

In the case of "1w2," the number 1 represents the core personality type, and the number 2 represents the wing type. The wing type is considered the secondary influence on an individual's personality, while the core type represents their primary motivations and behaviors.

The number 1 in the Enneagram represents the Perfectionist or the Reformer. People with this type are often driven by a desire to be good, right, and morally upright. They have a strong sense of justice and strive for perfection in their actions and the world around them.

The number 2 represents the Helper or the Giver. People with this type are often characterized by their warmth, empathy, and a strong desire to help others. They are attentive to the needs of others and enjoy being of service.

When someone identifies as 1w2, it means they primarily align with the characteristics of the type 1, but also possess some qualities of the type 2 as a secondary influence.

It's important to note that the Enneagram is a complex and multi-dimensional system that considers various aspects of personality, motivations, fears, and growth paths. The types and their combinations are based on observations and insights from various psychological and spiritual traditions, but the Enneagram does not have a scientific basis like some other personality models.

can it be 1w3?

Yes, in the Enneagram system, it is possible to have different wing types for each core personality type. So, someone can identify as 1w3, indicating that they primarily align with the characteristics of the type 1 (Perfectionist or Reformer) but also possess some qualities of the type 3 (Achiever or Performer) as a secondary influence.

The type 3 wing adds certain traits and tendencies to the core type 1. Type 3 individuals are often ambitious, success-oriented, and focused on achieving goals. They are driven by a desire for recognition, status, and external validation.

When someone identifies as 1w3, it means they primarily align with the characteristics of the type 1 but also exhibit some of the traits associated with type 3. The combination of both types influences their personality and behaviors.

so the wing can be not near the core, like 1w5 1w6, 2w5 (not 2w3)

In the Enneagram system, the wing types are typically adjacent to the core type on the Enneagram diagram. For example, a type 1 core type would typically have a wing type of either 1w2 or 1w9.

However, some Enneagram practitioners acknowledge the possibility of "distant" wings, where the wing type is not adjacent to the core type. This is sometimes referred to as a "second wing" or "secondary wing" concept. It suggests that individuals may exhibit some traits or behaviors from a non-adjacent wing type in addition to their core type and adjacent wing.

For instance, someone could identify as 1w5 or 1w6, indicating that they primarily align with the characteristics of the type 1 but also possess some qualities of either type 5 (Investigator or Observer) or type 6 (Loyalist or Skeptic) respectively.

Similarly, someone could identify as 2w5, indicating that they primarily align with the characteristics of the type 2 (Helper or Giver) but also exhibit some traits of type 5.

It's worth noting that the concept of distant wings is not universally accepted in the Enneagram community, and different Enneagram schools and teachers may have varying perspectives on this topic. The primary focus in understanding one's Enneagram type typically remains on the core type and the adjacent wing type.